Tuesday, 23 February 2010

hotel berengaria


Friday, 19 February 2010

bill murray

Thanks to Liam for making us tea and coming up with the defibrillator question!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

twelve for better

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Fauna and Foliage - Opening 5th February 2010

Melanie Alexandrou and Jade Blood
(collectively known as Happycat)
present a duo fantastic:

Fauna and Foliage

New works about getting back to nature, about animals domesticated and wild.

The lo-fi, handmade aesthetic of their work is purposely so, 
it reflects the engagement with the process and how sometimes 
the inherent mistakes add to the essence of the work. 
We are all human after all.

Melanie’s work explores a return to a more organic aesthetic, 
using materials and methods that are craft-based together with 
more ‘traditional’ disciplines such as printmaking and illustration. 
The simple celebration of all things feathered, furred and fronded 
reminds us of some the best things in life.

Jade's work questions the popular perception of 'culture' 
and is collector of the tacky, tasteless but loveable objects 
that you may still see in your Gran’s house. 
She uses these objects as inspiration for work; 
they also become part of her work. 
Jade would say she can't really 'do' anything particularly well, 
but there is a trendy word for that- DIY!

Photographs from opening night Friday 5th February
StoneSoup, Walmgate
9 Barleycorn Yard, York


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Starlings migrated all the way from Russia
Screen-print on 100% cotton
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We invite you to have a meeting

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* photographs by Charlotte McGuiness

Thursday, 4 February 2010

aldis mini
